“For a healthy mind you need a healthy body, just like the awakening of thoughts, every muscle requires voluntary control through exercise and practice of movements and motion.”

“For a healthy mind you need a healthy body, just like the awakening of thoughts, every muscle requires voluntary control through exercise and practice of movements and motion.”

ALiF Quotes: “Truth comes to you and goes away, leaving its imprints on your feelings and thoughts.”

“Truth comes to you and goes away, leaving its imprints on your feelings and thoughts.”

Goes away like cool and warm blows of natural wind. There are storms, tornadoes, and sometimes a breeze without a distinguishable temperature and that’s when they both mean to say the same thing…

When it stops, you are left alone in the silent air. You wish to replicate it but you can’t with any artificial environment because it will be a design that you created, not the one that’s already there.

ALiF Quotes: “Feelings are like horizontal and vertical lines and with different sizes and thoughts are like diagonals that tell us that feelings not only vary in size but distance as well.”

“Feelings are like horizontal and vertical lines and with different sizes and thoughts are like diagonals that tell us that feelings not only vary in size but distance as well.”